Functional workouts to STAY IN SHAPE, FEEL STRONG, & strengthen and prepare your body for labor & motherhood!
The guide has:
- 36 WEEKS of pregnancy safe workouts…most women do not even know they are pregnant before 5 weeks, so this guide can cover almost your entire pregnancy
- Schedule laid out in the app
- Video demonstrations of each move in the Besst Workouts App so you know how to perform them. All you really need is a pair of dumbbells. A set of Resistance Bands would also be helpful (although moves can be done without the bands)
- Recommended sets and repetitions for each move based on your level, and direction on how to gauge intensity
- Modifications based on physiological changes of pregnancy
- Workout Session outline with Core Activations, Dynamic Warm Up, the Workout, Labor Practice Breathing, & Gentle Stretching
- Core Activations and Pelvic Floor Exercises to proactively protect and keep those areas strong, minimizing the potential to develop Diastasis Recti as much as possible. These are also great exercises for healing & regaining strength in the postpartum period!
- New Motherhood Daily Activities Workout – a bonus workout designed specifically to practice moves you will do every single day as a new mother, so you can be as strong and prepared as possible
- Since this is a lifetime purchase, you will receive all future additions and updates to the program free of charge
- & more!
The schedule laid out in the app with 6-workouts a week is just a sample schedule. You can do any workout on any day you wish, or take a rest day any day you wish, but each day is covered depending on how many days a week is right for you. Since every person and pregnancy is different, I have all the workouts available to you and outline the exercise recommendations from ACOG so you can make the decision with your doctor what is most appropriate for you!
At checkout, you can save $15 by bundling the Pregnancy Fitness Guide with the Postpartum Guide. Click the “BUY NOW” button below for next steps.
Your lifetime purchase of the Pregnancy Fitness Program includes the downloadable/printable Pregnancy Fitness Guide PDF. The app-based portion of your purchase is a value-add. If for some reason the Besst Workouts App should shut down permanently, you acknowledge that the app-based delivery of the workouts will not continue and that your lifetime purchase price only covers the Pregnancy Fitness Guide PDF. You may keep that forever regardless of app status.